Monday, July 23, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

Wowzer. I'm a really bad blog poster.

Thursday and Friday we went to the Ulster American Folk Park. Thursday we went around the park and on Friday we went to the research center to do research for the project we will be doing in the fall. They were both pretty busy days.
Saturday we traveled up the coast to the Giants Causeway. It was absolutely beautiful. Words can't describe the beauty of the countryside. A few others and myself went to see the Dark Knight Rises Saturday night. It was a great movie. We had a lot of fun.
Sunday Rev. Bowyer had a reflective service for us that was really nice. We then traveled to another open-air museum. It was much bigger than the Folk Park, but it didn't have as many exhibits. I went to bed early last night and slept for a long time.
Today we had classroom sessions again. We talked about St. Patrick. Then, this afternoon, we went to County Down to Down Cathedral where St. Patrick, St. Brigid, and St. Columba are supposedly all buried. We also went to a St. Patrick museum type thing.
Now we're back at Farset enjoying a nice relaxing evening.

Hopefully I can do a better job at keeping this updated from now on.

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