Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Days 5 & 6

Sorry for not posting yesterday. It was a long day. We started out with another classroom session. After lunch we went on a tour of Belfast City Hall. We also got to visit the Linen Library. Thankfully we had some free time to do some shopping. After dinner we went on a historic pub tour around Belfast. We ended up at The John Hewitt where there was live music. We were able to get them to play Country Roads. It was a great night.

Today we had yet another classroom session. Then we got to go to East Belfast Mission. It is ran through the Methodist Church. It is a place that helps bring peace between the Catholics and Protestants while offering job help, hostile housing, and many other things. They are currently building a beautiful new location where they will have the resources to help soooo many more people. It's exciting to see what they are doing in their community. While there, we were able to hear from a man who had formerly been a large part in one of the paramilitary groups in Belfast. What he had to say was really interesting. It's important to know the reasons behind why so much of the violence occurred. Then a woman talked to us about the Gaelic language. It was interesting to see how many phrases we use today originated from the Gaelic language.

Now we're back at Farset getting rested up for a big day tomorrow. We are going to visit the Belleek pottery factory and the Ulster American Folk Park.

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