Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Final Days

Thursday was our last full day in Belfast. We had another lecture and then went to Carrickfergus Castle and an Andrew Jackson center. It was a pretty relaxing last day.
Friday we left Farset bright and early to head towards Dublin. I was sad to leave, but I know that I want to return someday. Once we got to Dublin, there was so much to see. We went to Trinity College to see the Book of Kells, the Guinness Storehouse, St. Patrick's Cathedral, and so many other things. It was pretty overwhelming. I almost wish we had skipped the last day in Belfast and stayed another day in Dublin. That evening we went to the Brazen Head Pub (the oldest pub in Ireland) where we had a great dinner and heard traditional stories and music. It was a great night.
Saturday we got up bright and early again to leave for the airport. We went through security and only had to wait a little bit before boarding. The flight was pretty smooth and went rather quickly. We landed around 1:15 pm. It took us over 2 hours to get out of NYC. We got back to Fairmont around 12:30 am.

I realize this is just a brief overview of my time in Northern Ireland. If you see me, feel free to ask me about my travels and I'll be more than happy to talk with you. Thanks for all your support!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday we had another classroom session talking about Home Rule. After lunch we went to the Belfast Museum and Botanical Gardens. It was a nice day out and we took things pretty easy. We shopped a little and then came back to Farset. Women came from EBM and read us poetry hey had written. These were women from a cross-community group, meaning both Catholic and Protestant. With them were two American volunteers. One was from Goshen. I talked to her afterwards and she absolutely loves it here and greatly recommends it. She gave me the name of the service she used to get here. Afterwards, I just relaxed there for the evening.
Wednesday we talked about the Easter Rising. In the afternoon we went to the new Titanic museum. It was really exciting. There were a lot of people so it was hard to look at some things. We then went up to Belfast Castle. It had an amazing view.
We leave for Dublin bright and early Friday morning. I'm going to miss it here, but I'm ready to go home.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

Wowzer. I'm a really bad blog poster.

Thursday and Friday we went to the Ulster American Folk Park. Thursday we went around the park and on Friday we went to the research center to do research for the project we will be doing in the fall. They were both pretty busy days.
Saturday we traveled up the coast to the Giants Causeway. It was absolutely beautiful. Words can't describe the beauty of the countryside. A few others and myself went to see the Dark Knight Rises Saturday night. It was a great movie. We had a lot of fun.
Sunday Rev. Bowyer had a reflective service for us that was really nice. We then traveled to another open-air museum. It was much bigger than the Folk Park, but it didn't have as many exhibits. I went to bed early last night and slept for a long time.
Today we had classroom sessions again. We talked about St. Patrick. Then, this afternoon, we went to County Down to Down Cathedral where St. Patrick, St. Brigid, and St. Columba are supposedly all buried. We also went to a St. Patrick museum type thing.
Now we're back at Farset enjoying a nice relaxing evening.

Hopefully I can do a better job at keeping this updated from now on.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Days 5 & 6

Sorry for not posting yesterday. It was a long day. We started out with another classroom session. After lunch we went on a tour of Belfast City Hall. We also got to visit the Linen Library. Thankfully we had some free time to do some shopping. After dinner we went on a historic pub tour around Belfast. We ended up at The John Hewitt where there was live music. We were able to get them to play Country Roads. It was a great night.

Today we had yet another classroom session. Then we got to go to East Belfast Mission. It is ran through the Methodist Church. It is a place that helps bring peace between the Catholics and Protestants while offering job help, hostile housing, and many other things. They are currently building a beautiful new location where they will have the resources to help soooo many more people. It's exciting to see what they are doing in their community. While there, we were able to hear from a man who had formerly been a large part in one of the paramilitary groups in Belfast. What he had to say was really interesting. It's important to know the reasons behind why so much of the violence occurred. Then a woman talked to us about the Gaelic language. It was interesting to see how many phrases we use today originated from the Gaelic language.

Now we're back at Farset getting rested up for a big day tomorrow. We are going to visit the Belleek pottery factory and the Ulster American Folk Park.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 4

Today we had our first classroom session which was more of a review than anything else. After a lunch of fish and chips we went on a bus tour of Belfast. We'll get to explore some of the sights later in our trip, including the Titanic shipyard :D
This evening we were entertained by young Highland dancers. They ere adorable! And very talented :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 3

Today we had a Celtic church service at the Belfast Central Mission. One of the songs we sang was written by one of the church members during the Troubles. It was touching to see how it affected the people and how they turned to God for guidance. It was a very nice service.
Then we went to St. George's Market for lunch and to do some shopping. It was a nice place with local artisans but there wasn't really anything that I couldn't get back home.
After lunch we went on a walking tour of Belfast. It was nice to see all the different attractions. It'd be nice to explore some of them in more detail. Now we're back at Farset waiting for dinner. After dinner we will debrief and be entertained by folk dancers. It's been a busy day, but lots of fun and educational.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Ireland looks so much like WV that sometimes it's easy to forget I'm in another country. The place where we are staying (Farset) is nice. There's free wifi and good food. This is going to be a great experience.