Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday we had another classroom session talking about Home Rule. After lunch we went to the Belfast Museum and Botanical Gardens. It was a nice day out and we took things pretty easy. We shopped a little and then came back to Farset. Women came from EBM and read us poetry hey had written. These were women from a cross-community group, meaning both Catholic and Protestant. With them were two American volunteers. One was from Goshen. I talked to her afterwards and she absolutely loves it here and greatly recommends it. She gave me the name of the service she used to get here. Afterwards, I just relaxed there for the evening.
Wednesday we talked about the Easter Rising. In the afternoon we went to the new Titanic museum. It was really exciting. There were a lot of people so it was hard to look at some things. We then went up to Belfast Castle. It had an amazing view.
We leave for Dublin bright and early Friday morning. I'm going to miss it here, but I'm ready to go home.

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